Saturday, September 12, 2009

O hai thar.

I don't do blogging so really this is yet another thing I can put crap on. Like twitter, but different since I can embed videos and such here.

First off, most likely you are going to be seeing this from either Twitter, or my stream, since I plan on copying @CODEHX's way of doing stream statuses. By putting this blogspot into my titles, I suppose. Won't have much else use other than stream info, cause I abuse twitter for other things.

Secondly, I've made a chipin just for the stream...And I'm "dead-fuckin-serious" as James Rolfe/AVGN would say. Any donations sent to this chipin I have made, will be put into things like, an audio mixer, per-say. And to be completely honest, I hate doing things where people give me things, so I feel like a complete douche making such a thing..But it is for the stream, and the stream only, so I guess that will be my exception and I shouldn't really feel like one, right?

Here it is:

And I sincerely thank anyone who does donate to it in the future. The first thing I would buy with the donations would most certainly be an audio mixer. It is needed like...An addict needs to feed his addiction? I don't know. From there? I definitely do not know. Whatever pops up, if I don't need anything else for the stream, the next buy would be computer parts, but I highly. highly. doubt anyone, let alone a group of people, would donate such money to me, some random shmuck on the internet.
Anyways...If you do donate, I thank you. A million zillion times.

Third, and probably the longest..

Thank you, every single one of you who are reading this.
The viewers who take their time out of their day to watch my stream, as boring as it may be. And chat with me or others in the room.
The moderators in the chatroom; All of them are my friends. And I do mean all of them. I definitely appreciate them stopping by and helping out when the situation comes.
My friends, followers --
(the 60% of them are bots, so they're an exception to this.)
-- Subscribers, and Fans;
You guys keep me going on everything I am doing. I may not show it often but when I see a comment -- Or reply, or really anything -- saying "good job" or "thanks" or something along those lines I'm reminded of why I do these things. I believe I have over 400 or 500 videos on youtube by the time this is seen. And over 800 or 900 favorites on Justin.TV. And over 200 followers on Twitter. --
(Sad thing is though, I think around 80 of them are bots, or people on that twitter game spymaster. I went from 180 to 240 very quickly after I started tweeting about that game. Oh well..But I digress)
-- I have never once asked anyone to subscribe or favorite, or follow on twitter. I think the most I ever done was imply, or suggest to people on Justin.TV that they may favorite and come back again if they want to or not. This is purely a hobby thing...Not in it for the litteral "fans" or "ratings" or "fame". I'm not, I'm simply not. I'm in it for the fun, and entertainment. As it is entertaining to me as it is apparently to you.

TL;DR: To everyone...I thank you.


  1. That's ok Chanoo..
    Also, if I happen to have some spare moneys on my paypal, i'll chip in <3

    Love, Cortez
